
  • All
  • Industry
  • Health
  • Gamification
  • Business Software
  • Design System
  • Mobile & Apps
  • Digitalization
  • Research
  • Automotive and Mobility
  • Commerce
  • Financing and Insurance
  • Entertainment
  • Logo Microsoft Deutschland GmbH
  • Logo Robert Bosch GmbH
  • Logo SAP AG
  • Logo Festo SE & Co. KG
  • Logo Red Bull GmbH
  • Logo Telekom Deutschland GmbH
  • Logo thyssenkrupp AG
  • Logo TRUMPF GmbH &&nbspCo.&nbspKG
  • Logo Krones AG
  • Logo ifm electronic gmbh
  • Logo Continental
  • Logo Mercedes-Benz technology GmbH
  • Logo RAMPF Production Systems GmbH & Co. KG
  • Logo KardexRemstar
  • Logo Mettler-Toledo AG
  • Logo Software AG
  • Logo SMA Solar Technology AG
  • Logo Heidelberger Druckmaschinen
  • Logo VOLLMER WERKE Maschinenfabrik GmbH
  • Logo Zwick GmbH & Co. KG
  • Logo Tecan AG
  • Logo Stanford University Medical Center
  • Logo Paul Hartmann AG
  • Logo Hogrefe Verlag GmbH & Co. KG
  • Logo Syskron GmbH
  • Logo DHC GmbH
  • Logo Universitäts­klinikum Essen
  • Logo GiS GmbH
  • Logo SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH &&nbspCo.&nbspKG
  • Logo KWP Informations­systeme GmbH
  • Logo Net at Work Netz­werksysteme GmbH
  • Logo Openbravo, S.L.
  • Logo Perspectix AG
  • Logo Agilent Technologies
  • Merck KGaA
  • Logo Sage Software GmbH
  • Logo Sauter Cumulus GmbH
  • Logo Setlog GmbH
  • Logo InFit
  • Logo STORZ Endoskop Produktions GmbH
  • Logo Dentsply Sirona
  • Logo Vestas Wind Systems A/S
  • Daimler AG
  • camLine GmbH
  • Logo ERGO-FIT GmbH & Co. KG
  • Logo Elektrobit Automotive GmbH
  • Logo Bosch Rexroth AG
  • Volkswagen AG
  • Logo Kugelmann Maschinenbau GmbH
  • Logo e-Xstream engineering SA
  • Logo Electronic Arts Deutschland GmbH
  • Logo XING AG
  • Logo Archiware GmbH
  • IHK Berlin
  • Logo OMICRON electronics GmbH
  • Logo IT Inkubator GmbH
  • Logo IT Innovations­zentrum Saarland
  • Logo DIgSILENT GmbH
  • Logo GEA Food Solutions Germany GmbH
  • Logo Warema Renkhoff SE
  • Logo camLine Holding AG
  • Logo Bürkert GmbH & Co. KG
  • Logo Peter Gross Bau Holding GmbH
  • Logo ENGEL
  • Logo ALPLA
  • Logo energis
  • Logo ise
  • Logo edu-sharing
  • Logo PROXIA
  • Logo Stiftung Universitätsmedizin Essen
  • Logo Euregon AG
  • Logo EagleBurgmann
  • Logo metamorphosis GmbH
  • Logo proALPHA
  • Logo pds
  • Logo Wolters Kluwer
  • Logo Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH
  • Logo ATRON electronic GmbH
  • Logo Fraunhofer FIT
  • Logo Achterberg GmbH
  • Logo Another Monday
  • Logo MISUMI
  • Logo Deutscher Genossenschafts-Verlag eG
  • Logo ORSOFT GmbH
  • Logo Walkolution GmbH
  • Logo Veecle GmbH
  • Logo Uster Technologies AG
  • Logo eurodata AG
  • Logo Goethe-Institut e. V.
  • Logo imc information multimedia communication AG
  • Deutsche Bank
  • Postbank
  • Logo Go4Balance AG
  • Logo ebm-papst
  • Logo EPLAN
  • Logo Humanetics
  • Logo Guidecom
  • Logo AIS Security
  • Logo Filmstudio Basel
  • Logo BMBF & VDI
  • Logo LeanScope GmbH
  • Logo Schleupen SE
  • Logo ecospective
  • Uster Technologies AG

    More quality, more quantity!

    Intuitive Quality Management for Textile Mills
  • Tecan AG

    Intuitive interface for life science assay automation

    From life science lab instructions to automated assays in a few clicks
  • TRUMPF GmbH & Co. KG

    Many Usage Scenarios, One Design System

    Award-Winning HMI Design System
  • Humanetics

    From Scribble to Exhibition-Ready Prototype

    Central Software Solution for managing and monitoring safety tests on motor vehicle test tracks
  • Tecan AG

    Software UI for medical laboratories

    Process reliability and efficiency in a awardwinning scalable design
  • Centigrade GmbH

    Rethinking insurance

    UX concept and prototype for term life insurance
  • GEA Food Solutions Germany GmbH

    GEA: One design system for all cases

    Consistent operation across different machine
  • ecospective

    mAy I Help?

    Achieving sustainability goals: AI assistance for EU compliance

    Do you take time for surveys and why not?

    Designing surveys to be engaging and motivating
  • Robert Bosch GmbH

    Thinking AI & design forward together!

    A networking workshop on integrating AI & design companywide
  • Centigrade GmbH

    Anyone in for a coffee?

    App for transparent office presence in 9 days
  • LeanScope GmbH

    Software for AI-based user requirements and UX research

    AI-powered user requirements and UX research support
  • BMBF & VDI

    A playful journey to healing and self-efficacy

    Empowering paediatric patients through gamification
  • Wolters Kluwer

    Making the most taxing task less tedious

    How we created an intuitive App for Taks Returns
  • Filmstudio Basel

    Small studio, big cinema

    Smart Virtual Production with Unreal 5 for a better actor experience
  • Universitäts­klinikum Essen

    Medical app for little patients

    Understand your treatment process better through gamification with LOUISA
  • Centigrade GmbH

    Into the hamster wheel!

    Students develop game for moving more while working
  • LOS Verbund

    Playfully improve language skills

    Gamification learning software for children with dyslexia
  • eurodata AG

    UX Academy Training “Scrum meets UX”

    Training with eurodata AG in the Centigrade Office
  • IoTAssist

    Digital Health Management:
    Easy going

    IoTAssist research project for less sitting at work
  • Veecle GmbH

    The first truly digital car

    How to digitally rethink the concept car
  • Centigrade GmbH

    Smart design for a safe process

    How good design works for a demanding industry
  • Walkolution GmbH

    A new tree every 10,000 steps

    IoT device and app protect the health of users and of our planet

    Production planning made easy

    UX optimization and prototype for a production planning software
  • metamorphosis GmbH

    Modern front-end development in medical engineering

    Cutting-Edge Angular UI Development
  • Centigrade GmbH

    User interface for professional golf tee testing

    Professional analysis of the tee shot and trajectory
  • Another Monday

    Automatically three times faster

    Our UX expertise for an intuitive tool for process documentation
  • ATRON electronic GmbH

    Punctuality guaranteed

    Isometric UI design for public transport software
  • Centigrade GmbH

    Detect cyber attacks before it is too late

    Quick decisions thanks to clear cyber-security software
  • Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH

    How digitization is revolutionizing the retail market

    A visionary view on the retail industry of the future
  • Deutscher Genossenschafts-Verlag eG

    5 of 5 customers recommend this online shop

    Getting a competitive edge in E-Commerce through UX
  • Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH

    Promoting a healthy lifestyle among employees

    Using gamification to encourage fitness activities
  • Dr. Sperber

    Facilitation of quality management in everyday hospital life

    App for digital handling of questionnaires
  • Centigrade GmbH

    Cyber Security Training through Serious Games

    Compliance made easy
  • ERGO-FIT GmbH & Co. KG

    UX Design at heart

    Fitness training software with gamification elements
  • Festo SE & Co. KG

    Bringing Augmented Reality to the Smart Factory

    How the 'DeepSight' User Interface Concept makes AR usable
  • RAMPF Production Systems GmbH & Co. KG

    Intuitive like a smartphone app, productive like a machine

    A new HMI as a driver for digital transformation in the industrial sector
  • Elektrobit Automotive GmbH

    Designing an HMI for HMI Designers

    Tool for creating automotive HMIs

    Step by step towards the Smart Factory

    From custom configuration to gamified flexible production
  • IT Inkubator GmbH

    With self-learning algorithm to a shift plan in a few minutes

    UX Design for Smart Scheduling Software

    Hello, darkness, my new friend

    Bold HMI design: from light to dark
  • Bosch Rexroth AG

    Man and machine in flow

    iPhone app for production process error detection
  • Centigrade GmbH

    Quickly to your destination

    Clear and intuitive touchpoint in public transport
  • IT Inkubator GmbH

    Individual design for individualized training

    New corporate design for a medical fitness app
  • camLine GmbH

    Icon Design - First impressions count

    Beautiful Icons for Data Analysis Software
  • Bosch Rexroth AG

    Joy of Use throughout the day

    Sustainable fault management in Bosch Rexroth’s ActiveCockpit
  • Zwick GmbH & Co. KG

    Just test!

    Materials testing software with workflow-oriented design

    Industry 4.0 made usable

    Realizing SEW-EURODRIVE's Industry 4.0 vision
  • e-Xstream engineering SA

    Designed for rocket scientists

    Icon and Screen Design
  • Steinbichler Optotechnik GmbH


    Flat UI for 3D Measurement Software
  • Case Study


    Facility Management UI Design Study
  • Electronic Arts Deutschland GmbH

    Need For Speed: Rivals

    Game UX Research
  • Centigrade GmbH

    Centigrade UX Museum

    A digital museum for UX & UI projects from long ago company days
  • Further Clients
  • Further Clients: Industry
  • Further Clients: Health
  • Further Clients: Gamification
  • Further Clients: Business Software
  • Further Clients: Design System
  • Further Clients: Mobile & Apps
  • Further Clients: Digitalization
  • Further Clients: Research
  • Further Clients: Automotive and Mobility
  • Further Clients: Commerce
  • Further Clients: Financing and Insurance
  • Further Clients: Entertainment
  • Logo Microsoft Deutschland GmbH
  • Logo Robert Bosch GmbH
  • Logo SAP AG
  • Logo Festo SE & Co. KG
  • Logo Red Bull GmbH
  • Logo Telekom Deutschland GmbH
  • Logo thyssenkrupp AG
  • Logo TRUMPF GmbH &&nbspCo.&nbspKG
  • Logo Krones AG
  • Logo ifm electronic gmbh
  • Logo Continental
  • Logo Mercedes-Benz technology GmbH
  • Logo RAMPF Production Systems GmbH & Co. KG
  • Logo KardexRemstar
  • Logo Mettler-Toledo AG
  • Logo Software AG
  • Logo SMA Solar Technology AG
  • Logo Heidelberger Druckmaschinen
  • Logo VOLLMER WERKE Maschinenfabrik GmbH
  • Logo Zwick GmbH & Co. KG
  • Logo Tecan AG
  • Logo Stanford University Medical Center
  • Logo Paul Hartmann AG
  • Logo Hogrefe Verlag GmbH & Co. KG
  • Logo Syskron GmbH
  • Logo DHC GmbH
  • Logo Universitäts­klinikum Essen
  • Logo GiS GmbH
  • Logo SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH &&nbspCo.&nbspKG
  • Logo KWP Informations­systeme GmbH
  • Logo Net at Work Netz­werksysteme GmbH
  • Logo Openbravo, S.L.
  • Logo Perspectix AG
  • Logo Agilent Technologies
  • Merck KGaA
  • Logo Sage Software GmbH
  • Logo Sauter Cumulus GmbH
  • Logo Setlog GmbH
  • Logo InFit
  • Logo STORZ Endoskop Produktions GmbH
  • Logo Dentsply Sirona
  • Logo Vestas Wind Systems A/S
  • Daimler AG
  • camLine GmbH
  • Logo ERGO-FIT GmbH & Co. KG
  • Logo Elektrobit Automotive GmbH
  • Logo Bosch Rexroth AG
  • Volkswagen AG
  • Logo Kugelmann Maschinenbau GmbH
  • Logo e-Xstream engineering SA
  • Logo Electronic Arts Deutschland GmbH
  • Logo XING AG
  • Logo Archiware GmbH
  • IHK Berlin
  • Logo OMICRON electronics GmbH
  • Logo IT Inkubator GmbH
  • Logo IT Innovations­zentrum Saarland
  • Logo DIgSILENT GmbH
  • Logo GEA Food Solutions Germany GmbH
  • Logo Warema Renkhoff SE
  • Logo camLine Holding AG
  • Logo Bürkert GmbH & Co. KG
  • Logo Peter Gross Bau Holding GmbH
  • Logo ENGEL
  • Logo ALPLA
  • Logo energis
  • Logo ise
  • Logo edu-sharing
  • Logo PROXIA
  • Logo Stiftung Universitätsmedizin Essen
  • Logo Euregon AG
  • Logo EagleBurgmann
  • Logo metamorphosis GmbH
  • Logo proALPHA
  • Logo pds
  • Logo Wolters Kluwer
  • Logo Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH
  • Logo ATRON electronic GmbH
  • Logo Fraunhofer FIT
  • Logo Achterberg GmbH
  • Logo Another Monday
  • Logo MISUMI
  • Logo Deutscher Genossenschafts-Verlag eG
  • Logo ORSOFT GmbH
  • Logo Walkolution GmbH
  • Logo Veecle GmbH
  • Logo Uster Technologies AG
  • Logo eurodata AG
  • Logo Goethe-Institut e. V.
  • Logo imc information multimedia communication AG
  • Deutsche Bank
  • Postbank
  • Logo Go4Balance AG
  • Logo ebm-papst
  • Logo EPLAN
  • Logo Humanetics
  • Logo Guidecom
  • Logo AIS Security
  • Logo Filmstudio Basel
  • Logo BMBF & VDI
  • Logo LeanScope GmbH
  • Logo Schleupen SE
  • Logo ecospective

Want to know more about our services, products or our UX process?
We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Senior UX Manager
+49 681 959 3110

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