Posts Tagged ‘TogetherAnywhere’
The year 2022 got off to a turbulent start for us. Since on-site get-together was finally possible again after a long “remote-only” phase, we were inspired by the idea of completely redesigning our Saarbrücken headquarters. And not just as a virtual pixel world, as on the cover, but for real. It was not only the […]
A few weeks ago we celebrated our birthday. We turned 17 years old! We are happy that we have been able to guide and support our clients for 17 years, that we have such great employees with whom we develop together and learn from each other. We are especially grateful for the trust our customers […]
How do collaboration and teamwork work in the hybrid working world? Luzie Seeliger will answer this question at the ViSAAR Impulse Conference for Virtual Working in SMEs on Thursday 22 September.