Posts Tagged ‘KI’


My internship at Centigrade: Absence note project

My name is Maria Shabanova and I did my internship at Centigrade in July 2024 in the UX Design department. I was given the task of creating an AI assistant with OpenAI (GPT-4). Centigrade works a lot with LeanScope AI and has created the possibility to create AI assistants, many of which are already in […]

Some like it Bot: The creation of our Voice & Tone AI Assistant

What has happened so far: Our Voice & Tone Guide Some time ago, I reported in a blog article on how we developed our own Voice & Tone as part of our Centigrade Rebranding Journey and recorded it in a Voice & Tone Guide. Let me briefly recap why a brand actually needs its own […]

How AI is revolutionising product development: An interview by Rainer Gibbert with Thomas Immich

For product managers and CX/UX designers, understanding their target group is essential in order to develop products and services that really resonate. Personas, fictional characters that represent real users, are indispensable tools here. They make it possible to give the rather abstract target group a face, recognise their likes and dislikes and tailor everything from […]

Our AI assistant for sustainable UX design: a look behind the scenes of development

In today’s world, sustainability is more present than ever, while at the same time we are using more and more technology in our everyday lives. In the best case scenario, we combine these things. Unfortunately, most UX designers lack the theoretical knowledge to do this, which is where our media project comes in. We have […]

When designers are lost for words in times of AI and midjourney

A picture is worth a thousand words. But what words are needed to describe a picture? We used to push pixels and spend hours on tutorials to learn many complex design tools. At some point during our studies, we decided on a specific topic and specialized in order to find a job on the market […]

Can AI increase our empathy towards users?

„What do successful User Experience professionals have in common? Empathy. “ – Kathryn Whitenton, Nielsen Norman Group [1] Empathy is one of the most common buzzwords in the UX industry, it is assumed to be an important skill and – according to an employee of the Nielsen Norman Group – apparently even distinguishes good from […]

AI: Superpower in Visual and UX Design?

This blog already offers a diverse collection around the topic of artificial intelligence (AI) from the various disciplines that work all under one roof at Centigrade. Of course, visual and ux design cannot be missing from this. In this blog post, I look at the current state and shed light on whether and how we […]

New podcast “Prompts for UX” with the unique AI P.F.U.X. now available!

Finally, the time is here! We recently launched the new podcast “Prompts for UX” with our unique AI P.F.U.X. From now on, episodes of this exciting podcast series will be published regularly on our Spotify and YouTube channels.

AI-driven design systems in the Continuous UX toolkit

Digital products become more complex with each year and interoperate in systemic contexts. Companies are therefore increasingly thinking in terms of platforms and digital ecosystems instead of monolithic large-scale products. To master complexity, the establishment of an overarching design system is therefore one of the most important strategic factors in the user-centric era.

ChatGPT and UX Research – Between artificial intelligence and human expertise

How can ChatGPT support UX Research? I conducted a fictional UX Research project with ChatGPT to find out more about what ChatGPT’s current strengths (and weaknesses) are in performing UX Research tasks.

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Senior UX Manager
+49 681 959 3110

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