To get an initial overview of the UX of a website or app, a UX audit is often recommended. But what is a UX audit anyway?
Even in 2024, there are still companies that believe they don’t need user research to develop new digital products because “we know our customers and know best what they need”. Most user researchers have probably come across this or similar statements and have pulled their hair out over them. Such assertions often lead to lengthy […]
For product managers and CX/UX designers, understanding their target group is essential in order to develop products and services that really resonate. Personas, fictional characters that represent real users, are indispensable tools here. They make it possible to give the rather abstract target group a face, recognise their likes and dislikes and tailor everything from […]
Unlike Amazon Echo and Meta, ChatGPT is highly disruptive. But why is that? ChatGPT was the fastest to reach 100 million users and has no dependencies on other technologies. ChatGPT has also offered surprisingly little “ethical slippery slope” so far. But the main reason, according to Sam Altman himself, seems to be ChatGPT’s fantastic UX. […]
In today’s world, sustainability is more present than ever, while at the same time we are using more and more technology in our everyday lives. In the best case scenario, we combine these things. Unfortunately, most UX designers lack the theoretical knowledge to do this, which is where our media project comes in. We have […]
„What do successful User Experience professionals have in common? Empathy. “ – Kathryn Whitenton, Nielsen Norman Group [1] Empathy is one of the most common buzzwords in the UX industry, it is assumed to be an important skill and – according to an employee of the Nielsen Norman Group – apparently even distinguishes good from […]
How can ChatGPT support UX Research? I conducted a fictional UX Research project with ChatGPT to find out more about what ChatGPT’s current strengths (and weaknesses) are in performing UX Research tasks.
Welcome to my first blog post ever. How did we get here? I’ve recently joined Centigrade and (at the risk of this sounding like an ad) I can truly say that it has been a great experience. Employees are not just treated like a “human resource” but like real people. I’ve been given autonomy, responsibility […]
In UX Research, we want to obtain objective insights on the behavior, needs, and motivations of users. UX research is important for UX design and development to ensure that decisions are always made with the user in mind. However, since UX research is done by humans, these insights are always affected by cognitive bias. How […]
User research in the form of usability tests or user interviews has become an indispensable part of the UX world, especially when it comes to developing or improving a product. Developers gain insight into what users really need and what potential problems there may be with the product. A key point of research is the […]
A UX service provider that tests games, that doesn’t go together at all, you think? You might think so, but UX and gaming methods are not that different. I would like to use a recent example to show you what you need to be particularly careful about when it comes to game testing.
The start of a new UX designer role model. A lot has happened … and then it hasn’t. I’ve really been around the so-called UX scene for quite a while now. As the owner and CEO of Centigrade, I’ve been running one of the most successful UX companies in Germany for over 15 years. But […]
The annual “Mensch & Computer” (MuC) conference will take place from September 6 to 9 under the main topic “digital change in the flow of time”. Unlike the years before, the conference will be held completely digitally this year because of COVID-19. Spread over 4 days workshops, keynotes and sessions on the topic will be […]
Big Data is considered the trend topic of digitization. Some even claim that data is the new gold. But usage data is a treasure trove that has seldom been used to analyse usability with quantitative methods. What possibilities are there for measurably improving UX with usage data and supporting product owners in their decisions? Get […]
Computer games are designed to spread fun and entertainment and motivate players to play long term. So it makes sense to use these added values not only in the entertainment industry, but also in other areas, for example in therapy or rehabilitation (see our blog article Little big heroes – supporting children’s patients in therapy […]