
Centigrade UXmas Together

November 22nd, 2022

Centigrade Gather Welt

The year 2022 got off to a turbulent start for us. Since on-site get-together was finally possible again after a long “remote-only” phase, we were inspired by the idea of completely redesigning our Saarbrücken headquarters. And not just as a virtual pixel world, as on the cover, but for real. It was not only the goal to be finished by May that pushed us to the limit, but also some unexpected fundamental questions that preceded the redesign.

To what extent does the design language of our new premises actually still match our current brand and web presence? How and on what occasions do we actually want to meet in presence in the future? How can we remain attractive as an employer in times when the much-cited “Great Resignation” is spreading?

While answering all these questions, we learned a lot about our values and our identity and just decided to take the next “test of courage”, a comprehensive Centigrade rebranding with all its consequences: breaking with the old, struggling with the new, failing with the unknown but also getting excited about the surprising. We decided to launch a Centigrade Brand System with an agile open source mindset. Not only our work results should be publicly visible, but also the findings of our joint journey of discovery. If you follow us on LinkedIn, you have been able to read many of these exciting findings and use them for personal purposes.

But: we are still in the process. That’s why this year’s end of the year doesn’t mark a pause here, but more the halfway point of our rebranding journey. We look forward to seeing where it takes us. But we can already reveal this much: Excellent teamwork with you in the interest of your users is the top priority of our brand framework. Our mission statement is therefore: “Making clients proud, teams strong and users inspired”.

In the spirit of this fine balance of customer- and user-centeredness, we wish you, your family and colleagues some peaceful days and a successful, healthy New Year 2023. We look forward to the future with you.

Want to know more about our services, products or our UX process?
We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Senior UX Manager
+49 681 959 3110

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