Posts Tagged ‘Usability’


How to design better error messages

A comprehensive guide to optimizing the user experience Error messages are often a neglected element of the user interface that only comes to mind in an emergency. Yet they have a decisive influence on the user experience: a well-designed error message can reassure the user and lead to a solution, while a poorly worded message […]

UX audits: Analysis for better usability

To get an initial overview of the UX of a website or app, a UX audit is often recommended. But what is a UX audit anyway?

Cognitive Bias in UX Research: A Survival Guide

In UX Research, we want to obtain objective insights on the behavior, needs, and motivations of users. UX research is important for UX design and development to ensure that decisions are always made with the user in mind. However, since UX research is done by humans, these insights are always affected by cognitive bias. How […]

Sample Size in Usability Tests and User Interviews – Less is More?

User research in the form of usability tests or user interviews has become an indispensable part of the UX world, especially when it comes to developing or improving a product. Developers gain insight into what users really need and what potential problems there may be with the product. A key point of research is the […]

UX Day 2021: Getting User Stories Right

More than 20 innovative presentations, several three-hour intensive workshops, inspiring exchange with UX professionals and new contacts. From 14 to 15.10. the UX Day Online Conference will take place again. Thomas Immich will give a talk on 14.10. at from 09:45 to 10:15 entitled “Getting User Stories right” and show how UX and agile product […]

Word Usability Congress (WUC) 2021 – Getting User Stories Right

From Oct. 12 to Oct. 14, UX experts will gather for the eighth time at the World Usability Congress in Graz. At the three-day international conference, speakers from various industries discussed practical challenges in the field of UX and collaborated with participants in a wide variety of workshops. Thomas Immich will give a talk on […]

UX Design is dead. Long live UX Design.

The start of a new UX designer role model. A lot has happened … and then it hasn’t. I’ve really been around the so-called UX scene for quite a while now. As the owner and CEO of Centigrade, I’ve been running one of the most successful UX companies in Germany for over 15 years. But […]

IoT-Assist – Corporate Health Management with Gamification

Introduction to the research project In the context of our research project on the topic of IoT (Internet of Things) and digital health management, we deal with the question of how to motivate people to increase health-promoting behavior at work and at home.

UX Analysis Based on Usage Data – How Big Data helps to optimize the usability of applications

Big Data is considered the trend topic of digitization. Some even claim that data is the new gold. But usage data is a treasure trove that has seldom been used to analyse usability with quantitative methods. What possibilities are there for measurably improving UX with usage data and supporting product owners in their decisions?  Get […]

Game fun for all – What Game Accessibility is all about

Computer games are designed to spread fun and entertainment and motivate players to play long term. So it makes sense to use these added values not only in the entertainment industry, but also in other areas, for example in therapy or rehabilitation (see our blog article Little big heroes – supporting children’s patients in therapy […]

What everyday life teaches us about UX or: how I learned to see the (digital) world with different eyes

Do you remember the moment you first realized that there is something like user experience? Probably not. Only looking back I realized that I already suffered from bad product UX as a young kid. And I bet you did too. I remember big fights with my family members: before every household had an obligatory flat-rate, […]

What consistency means for a cat and what it means for your interface

In interface design, the term consistency is part of the professional jargon. It is used for everyday feedback and in long term concepts. It is also common ground with developers and clients. Consistency is an important evaluation criterium. Enough reasons to get a good handle on the term.

Oculus Rift DK2

This article is currently only available in German language.

Of Science and Bavarian Beer Receptions – Visiting the “Mensch und Computer 2014” in Munich

What is aesthetics and how can we determine it? Can usability tests be performed remotely to save time and money? And what happens to a Facebook profile when its user dies? These and many more interesting topics about human-computer interaction, user experience and usability where subject of this year’s conference Mensch und Computer 2014 (Human and […]

Uncommunicative – do I really need a smartwatch? (Pebble review)

Times have changed. Back in the time, during my school days, before smartphones flooded the market, I felt naked without my watch. This most important accessory was also some kind of status symbol and could never be missing. I looked at it probably a hundred times a day, consciously or unconsciously. Every morning when I […]

It’s time to redesign email

Some new e-mail clients have been introduced recently. Unibox, Airmail, Mail Pilot and others feature convincing visual design, increased joy of use and intriguing interaction concepts. In my opinion, the person-centered approach of Unibox is very promising. Instead of being organized in a folder hierarchy, e-mails are sorted based on contacts (friends, colleagues, etc.), which […]

Leap Motion – Just a kind gesture?

This article is currently only available in German language

Gamification as a design process

„Game-Based Learning“, „Serious Games“,„Games with a Purpose“ and „Gamification“– the list of concepts, which build upon the prospect of using the potential of games in other application areas is long. All concepts share the same idea of generating additional benefits beyond pure entertainment by using games, their technology or mechanisms. By no means, all of […]

“Form Follows Function” – An unclear design principle

Introduction “Form Follows Function (FFF)” – You can think for hours about these three words and for their explanation quite some words are necessary, for it is a frequently misunderstood design principle.

Touching the desktop – Modern micro-interaction and burdens of the past

They are considered intuitive and their handling easy to learn – Touchscreens. To humans it feels far more natural to touch an object of interest with the finger on screen instead of using the mouse. Apart from the clearly easier hand-eye-coordination, touchscreens create an elegant and user friendly experience through merging input and output actions […]

Everyday User Interface Annoyances

In April I blogged about metro style pictograms being the new sliced bread in icon design. Remember? The article was, of course, highly interesting, incredibly important and not to mention terribly knowledgeable – and naturally it was in no respect longwinded. Well. Let’s just say it was rather formal and academic. Today, dear reader, I […]

How to Choose the Right Font – An Introduction

Texts are important parts of most user interfaces, be it, e.g., as form field labels or longer help texts. This article is aimed at providing a common introduction to the topic „choosing the right font”. It contains some hints an pointers that simplify the search for the right typeface.

The Science of Animation

To our great delight and surprise, our animated Facility Manager Prototype and respective Blog article was used as demonstration and reference material at UXCamp Europe 2011. In regard of the apparent interest in the topic this article picks up the issue yet again, focusing on scientific considerations of the past years. Indeed, animations have become […]

The Comeback Of The Pie Menu

In recent years, so called “natural user interfaces” (NUI) have grown in popularity. More and more often, interaction via touch and gestures is employed instead of using mouse and keyboard. The iPhone was greeted with great enthusiasm and played a major part in spreading touch screen system in the consumer market while also introduced gesture-based […]

Benefits and Drawbacks of Animations Concerning User Experience

As described in January’s post, animations can fulfill essential purposes in user interface design. This article provides some insight into a study that has been conducted with the goal of exploring the effects of animations regarding user experience.

Regarding Color Vision Deficiency in the Icon Design Process

Red is not always red, green is not always green. For quite a large amount of people it is not easy to distinguish between red and green hues. About 6% of all males have the same difficulties to tell orange from olive-green as unaffected people have to distinguish between burgundy and ruby-red – oftentimes, it […]

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