
We would like to invite you to the webinar hosted by Testing Time, where we will present the latest findings on accessibility in the digital world. We interviewed five visually impaired people about their experiences with the Deutsche Bahn app. The feedback was clear: there is still a lot of work to be done in the area of accessibility, especially in light of the upcoming Accessibility Improvement Act.

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How can artificial intelligence revolutionize the development of digital products and services? Under the motto “AI: Valuable team member, new tool or new problem?”, the Bitkom working group Digital User Experience & Design recently held an online session. Seven experts from the digitalization industry, including Centigrade, presented their insights and provocative theses for discussion. The key findings of this insightful session are summarized in a compact one-pager, which can be downloaded via the link at the end of this article.

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You’re likely familiar with LeanScope AI, the powerhouse behind many of our projects and our engaging new podcast, UX Therapy AI. Leanscope founder, Thomas Immich, recently offered insights into the Tool and the impact of AI on product development.
In an in-depth interview with produktbezogen, Thomas shares his thoughts on LeanScope’s capabilities, shares project examples, and addressed vital ethical considerations concerning AI tools shaping our future.

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The International Requirements Engineering Board (IREB) created the Digital Designer profession to take a holistic view of the digital workspace – from technology to business environment. We are proud to continue to be a certified training provider preparing professionals for the Digital Design Professional (DDP) exam.

Why choose Centigrade’s DDP training? Find out more! read more…

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