The project “Cross-border Health Cooperation in the Eurodistrict SaarMoselle”, in short “GeKo”, contributed to the concrete structuring and further development of the cooperation between the actors in the health sector on both sides of the border in the period 2020-2022. Centigrade, as one of the leading UX agencies actively involved in projects in the medical […]
The “DAK im Dialog” format is a series of interviews by DAK health insurance, one of Germany’s largest health insurers with 5.5 million insured. As part of the format, experts are regularly invited to be interviewed and discuss exciting health topics together. Centigrade was also invited on the topic of “Digital Health Management”.
On 06.01.2023, an article by Thomas Immich, Managing Director of Centigrade, on the topic of gamification and cybersecurity was published in the magazine The article describes how the use of gamification and serious games can increase both interest and awareness for the topic of cybersecurity. The focus is on the use of the right […]
How can you live a healthier life through games? What are gametypical UX elements? What types of players are there? And how do you take the healthcare sector to the next level with gamification? Thomas Immich asked these and other questions at the closing event of the Decisions2 lecture series organized by Game Dev Saar […]
Hello, let me introduce myself first: My name is Luise, and I’m a game design student from Leipzig, Germany, specializing in 2D art and illustration. In my 5th semester, I was scheduled for a mandatory internship, where I decided to work for Centigrade. Already during the job interview I was told about the LOUISA […]
The UX-DAY Online Training is a series of seminars for all digital minds who want to acquire in-depth knowledge about UX, design, marketing and business in a short time. Selected experts share their knowledge live in intensive sessions, present current cases and best practices and provide practical insights. On July 8, a webinar with Thomas […]
Gamification is the “application of game-typical elements in a non-game context”. Gamification is by no means the same as conventional incentive or reward systems. A reward is merely an “external trigger”, i.e. a manual impulse that is intended to get someone to perform an action. For example, a health insurance company pays a premium if […]
Global change in the economy often leads to extensive structural change. This was also the case in Saarland. The decline of the coal and steel industry in the 1960s and 1970s resulted in the loss of more than 60,000 jobs. However, the campaign of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labor, Energy and Transport shows that […]
In our last blog post on the LOUISA project, we went into what the project is all about and what the goals are. In this blog post, we want to shed some light on the start of the practical work and our process. Everything starts with the first persona and its scenario…
When are you in a flow state and what does that even mean? Does gamification only consist of points and rewards? Thomas Immich answers these questions in the Konzepthaus Digital Podcast with Samuel Lottner.
Back in October 2020, Thomas Immich highlighted the development of virtual and augmented technologies in his presentation “Inner pig dog meets boss” at the Health Reality event. However, VR & AR in medical technology will continue to be of interest to us in 2021.
Customer loyalty is more important than ever. But how can UX and gamification be used to really bind customers to a product or a company? Thomas Immich will answer this exciting question in his presentation “The user in flow with his energy – Why UX & Gamification know neither tariff nor service boundaries” on Tuesday, […]
Introduction to the research project In the context of our research project on the topic of IoT (Internet of Things) and digital health management, we deal with the question of how to motivate people to increase health-promoting behavior at work and at home.
What is the LOUISA project about? The LOUISA project was launched by the Center for Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine at Essen University Hospital and the Essen University Medical Center Foundation. In everyday hospital life, the legal representatives of sick children are often the first point of contact when it comes to explanations and information about […]
MightyU is an extraordinary research project for children with infantile cerebral paresis, in short: ICP or CP. ICP is a chronic movement disorder caused by early childhood brain damage. With the approaches of Gamification and Virtual Reality, MightyU wants to achieve that the affected children and adolescents can perform their therapy exercises more playfully […]
The Health Reality Lab is part of a forward-looking project to promote and research AR/VR applications in the healthcare sector. It aims to open up the existing knowledge of these industries for the health care sector, to disseminate it through a reality lab and to implement it in the context of e-health and mobile health […]
Once again, Centigrade will be present at the IT Excellence Forum with a program contribution. On September 14th and 15th, IT managers from medium-sized businesses and large companies will meet in Frankfurt/Oberursel to discuss the latest trends and technologies of the industry.
In this blog article, we want to show what steps are necessary to design a character in a game. As an example we use the research project MightyU, which deals with the development of a playful application to support the therapy of children and adolescents with infantile cerebral palsy (ICP).
We are proud to announce that the official project website for MightyU is now online! The research project “Mighty U” is concerned with the development of a playful VR application for therapeutic support of children and adolescents with infantile cerebral palsy (ICP). Infantile cerebral palsy is a chronic disease of the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, […]
How do you generate added value by integrating playful and motivational elements into software and processes? Our gamification expert Roman Rackwitz trained managers from marketing and development in Arnsberg this week.
This article is only available in German language.
On December, 12th 2018, I listened to an interview with Dr. Carsten Breitfeld, a world-renowned expert in electric mobility, and the co-founder & CEO of the company BYTON which aims at turning the car into a next-generation smart device. He was a guest at the ‘Der Flaneur’ Podcast (German only), live from the Websummit conference […]
Computer games are designed to spread fun and entertainment and motivate players to play long term. So it makes sense to use these added values not only in the entertainment industry, but also in other areas, for example in therapy or rehabilitation (see our blog article Little big heroes – supporting children’s patients in therapy […]
Reach small and large goals easily and playfully, without being aware of the effort involved. This is a vision that drives researchers and practitioners in various fields of application around the topic of gamification. In this article, I describe how we apply gamification in practice in the Mighty U research project to help children with motor […]
We are confronted with very different kinds of to-dos every day. It is only natural that some of those tasks are more fun than others. Especially less motivating tasks, for example housekeeping, are last on the list: cleaning the coffee machine, tidying up the refrigerator, sorting empty bottles. The preferences and aversions may be individually […]
Hannover Messe 2017 – Enterprises present their new technological miracles: robots that can play the drums, robots that play table tennis, robots that move like animals, 3D printers, VR worlds and AR glasses that combine the digital and physical world. Let us be honest, as visitors of the exhibition, we are, of course, entertained but […]
Lately, I have been asked more frequently, when Gamification will emancipate from its role as a niche topic and reach mainstream. Since mid-2016, I am sure, that we find ourselves just in the phase of emancipation of this topic and I would like to reveal, why this is my opinion. During the last year, the […]
Is gamification compatible with Industry 4.0? There is only one way to find out: To create a realistic setup. At the Hannover Messe we had the chance to do just that.
‚We always seek dedicated students looking for an interesting thesis or internship project.‘ – this call can be found when browsing the Centigrade website for job and career opportunities. A call that is hard to resist if you are an upcoming graduate student. Especially when you – like in my case – consider the many […]
This article is only available in German language.
In December Centigrade carried out an evaluation of the racing game “Need for Speed: Rivals” for Electronic Arts – one of the biggest publishers and developers of computer- and videogames. Focus of the evaluation was the recording and analysis of the game experience under consideration of different situations in the game. Based on their vast experience […]
A few months ago we discussed the challenges and potentials of gamification and the process of implementing gamification methods. We pointed out that an extensive analysis of the existing processes and well adapted gamification mechanisms increase the chances of success – for instance to optimize the efficiency of a process or raise the employee satisfaction. […]
„Game-Based Learning“, „Serious Games“,„Games with a Purpose“ and „Gamification“– the list of concepts, which build upon the prospect of using the potential of games in other application areas is long. All concepts share the same idea of generating additional benefits beyond pure entertainment by using games, their technology or mechanisms. By no means, all of […]