Posts Tagged ‘UX Academy’
Letzte Woche war es soweit: Wir durften endlich mal wieder ein UX Academy Training vor Ort geben – und das nach zwei langen Remote-Jahren. Dafür haben wir sogar das Büro umgebaut! Okay…, nicht nur für dieses Training, sondern für unseren Brand Refresh und #RethinkDesignWork. Unser Office soll also schöner werden für alle Kolleg*innen, für alle […]
Working on the digital product as a craftsmanship: True to this approach, the International Requirements Engineering Board (IREB) has created a new type of profession: Digital Designer. The goal is to take a holistic view of the digital working world – from technology to the economic environment. We at Centigrade are now a certified training […]
Despite contact restrictions during the pandemic, we can continue to offer our customers high-quality trainings. After it became clear that on-site visits would no longer be feasible, we redesigned selected training courses for online implementation. However, it was not our intention to simply transfer the previous formats into virtual space – instead, we completely revised […]
Do you remember the moment you first realized that there is something like user experience? Probably not. Only looking back I realized that I already suffered from bad product UX as a young kid. And I bet you did too. I remember big fights with my family members: before every household had an obligatory flat-rate, […]