Posts Tagged ‘Medical’


Centigrade at MEDICA 2024 – with award winning-design

MEDICA, one of the world’s largest B2B medical trade fairs, is just around the corner. For more than 40 years it has been a fixed date in the calendar of all professionals. With several thousand exhibitors from almost 70 nations, MEDICA is the world’s largest medical trade fair, and after our award-winning collaboration with laboratory […]

Playertypes at Children: LOUISA Part 2

In our last blog post on the LOUISA project, we went into what the project is all about and what the goals are. In this blog post, we want to shed some light on the start of the practical work and our process. Everything starts with the first persona and its scenario…

Introduction to the LOUISA project

What is the LOUISA project about? The LOUISA project was launched by the Center for Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine at Essen University Hospital and the Essen University Medical Center Foundation. In everyday hospital life, the legal representatives of sick children are often the first point of contact when it comes to explanations and information about […]

Little big heroes – supporting children’s patients in therapy with virtual reality

Reach small and large goals easily and playfully, without being aware of the effort involved. This is a vision that drives researchers and practitioners in various fields of application around the topic of gamification. In this article, I describe how we apply gamification in practice in the Mighty U research project to help children with motor […]

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