Posts Tagged ‘Serious Games’
Centigrade and Swiss Life Germany have jointly developed the innovative project “34d City”, which has now been awarded the renowned eLearning AWARD 2025 in the category “Virtual Learning Worlds” with a focus on “Serious Game”. This innovative learning solution combines playful ease with technical precision and is revolutionizing professional development.
How can you live a healthier life through games? What are gametypical UX elements? What types of players are there? And how do you take the healthcare sector to the next level with gamification? Thomas Immich asked these and other questions at the closing event of the Decisions2 lecture series organized by Game Dev Saar […]
Lately, I have been asked more frequently, when Gamification will emancipate from its role as a niche topic and reach mainstream. Since mid-2016, I am sure, that we find ourselves just in the phase of emancipation of this topic and I would like to reveal, why this is my opinion. During the last year, the […]