Posts Tagged ‘Player Types’


Lecture series on gamification: Game-driven UX methods for health-promoting behavior

How can you live a healthier life through games? What are gametypical UX elements? What types of players are there? And how do you take the healthcare sector to the next level with gamification? Thomas Immich asked these and other questions at the closing event of the Decisions2 lecture series organized by Game Dev Saar […]

UX-DAY Online Training: Modern UX methods for healthy user behavior

The UX-DAY Online Training is a series of seminars for all digital minds who want to acquire in-depth knowledge about UX, design, marketing and business in a short time. Selected experts share their knowledge live in intensive sessions, present current cases and best practices and provide practical insights. On July 8, a webinar with Thomas […]

Playertypes at Children: LOUISA Part 2

In our last blog post on the LOUISA project, we went into what the project is all about and what the goals are. In this blog post, we want to shed some light on the start of the practical work and our process. Everything starts with the first persona and its scenario…

Saving the world by writing a gamification thesis at Centigrade

‚We always seek dedicated students looking for an interesting thesis or internship project.‘ – this call can be found when browsing the Centigrade website for job and career opportunities. A call that is hard to resist if you are an upcoming graduate student. Especially when you – like in my case – consider the many […]

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