
Continuous UX: optimize on a small level, scale on a large level

Thomas Immich
Thomas Immich
October 6th, 2021

Continuous UX Process User Development Product Development

Because neither Lean UX nor Scrum nor SAFe alone provided the answer to our challenges, we developed our own UX process kit: Continuous UX.

Continuous UX: What is it anyway?

“Continuous UX” is a practice-proven UX management framework that enables design systems or UI platforms to be built evolutionarily both vertically (“lean”) and scaled horizontally (“large”).

The process toolkit bundles the experience we have gained in over 16 years of designing and implementing user interfaces. The elements of the equally agile and user-centric UX toolkit can be seamlessly integrated into Scrum, SAFe or Lean UX oriented projects.

How do you scale “lean” to “large”?

Lean UX has become a popular term throughout the UX community. However, despite the charm of a lean approach, the question remains: how do you scale “lean” to large?

In our Continuous UX Starter Kit you will learn how to create a coherent, sustainable design system or modular UI platform from several disconnected MVPs using the field-proven UX management framework “Continuous UX”.


Get Continuous UX Starterkit now


The Continuous UX Starter Kit provides the following useful resources for you:

  • The Continuous UX Whitepaper: the official summary for the Mensch und Computer conference as PDF.
  • The presentation “Continuous UX in Digital Design – Why Digital Design should also take the path of small steps” as PDF
  • Extensive video material on Minimum Viable Products (MVP), the User Booklet Method and User Needs


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Senior UX Manager
+49 681 959 3110

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