Since the outbreak of the Corona pandemic, scientists and politicians have been appealing to the common sense and responsibility of all companies to send employees to the home office wherever possible. Now a list of positive examples is circulating on the web. Centigrade is on it!
In the spring of 2020, we quickly realized that something serious was coming our way, even though we couldn’t foresee how long the whole Corona issue would actually keep us busy. That’s why we stopped traveling to customers for the most part as early as mid-March. At the same time, our IT department began to move all of our colleagues to the home office. This happened very quickly: Since the end of March, Centigrade has completely switched to a home office at all locations. Laptops, monitors, chairs, keyboards, mouse, headsets, WLAN amplifiers, etc. are provided for working from home. For the few who do have to come to the office, a hygiene concept has been drawn up (e.g.: only one person per open-plan room) and FFP2 masks and disinfection dispensers have been set up. Employees with children can work flexibly in order to manage childcare.
But if you look at other companies, you quickly see that many more could set a good example. According to press reports, it would be possible for 50 percent of employees to work from home. In November, however, it was actually only 14 percent.
Green Party politician Laura Sophie Dornheim therefore sparked a discussion around the topic of home offices on Twitter under the hashtag #MachtBürosZu and received hundreds of responses. She has summarized the companies that stand out as positive examples in a list. Centigrade meets all the required criteria: Home Office / Exemplary Hygiene Concept, Equipment for Home Office and Support for Parents.