
How designers succeed in entering the project in a user-centered manner – Thomas Immich at the VDID Talk DESIGN.WISSEN.DISKURS.

November 17th, 2020

VDID LogoEveryone is talking about digital transformation and the added value of new digital business models. Unfortunately, despite the much-cited added business value, little “added value” is received by end customers or operators. As a result, user acceptance is declining and with it the opportunity to establish the business model in the long term.
Business goals and user experiences must be considered together right at the beginning of a project. However, clearly formulated business goals and strategies should not prescribe any solution or even design approaches, but only set framework conditions such as measurable success criteria. If a good basis is given here, the designer’s very next question must already be: “Who is the most important user group and how can their greatest pain be alleviated with the help of design in order to meet the business objective as much as possible?

As a designer, you can and should confidently demand such a consistent “business-driven user-centeredness” already on project day 1 during the development process. This way you avoid the danger of missing the actual problem or even exposing that there is no business goal in the required quality and that any design activity would be premature.

At the VDID event on November 23rd, digitization and UX expert Thomas Immich will discuss sensible methods and techniques to motivate decision-makers and stakeholders to adopt a binding framework, how to identify the core needs of your user group and how to keep design approaches targeted, feasible and affordable.

From the perspective of industrial designers, association member Linda Schmidt puts these modern approaches to the test and reflects problems and questions from practice. Together with the two experts, you will discuss the integratability of the approaches in the context of industrial design.

The event will take place digitally on Monday 23.11. at 6 pm.

Registration is free of charge and should be sent by e-mail to the VDID office. The event is also free for non-members of the VDID.


Centigrade and the VDID

Within the scope of a training series, Centigrade supports the Association of German Industrial Designers (VDID) with expertise from over 15 years of UX projects. Furthermore, we are an official supporting member of the association.

Until April 2021, monthly trainings will take place, providing beginners with basic UX knowledge, but also advanced professionals with valuable tips on how to integrate UX into agile processes. Due to the current situation, we are conducting the trainings virtually – a concept we are very convinced of after our first experiences in summer.


Want to know more about our services, products or our UX process?
We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Senior UX Manager
+49 681 959 3110

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